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Demographic, pain, and quality of life factors in unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty
Leech S., A Khaira A., Epp S., Schneider G., Werle J., Ng R., Harris A., D Manske S. L

Styrofoam Recycling: Relaxation-Densification of EPS by solar heat
Dennis R., Dennis A., Dennis W.

The Microbiome and Neurotransmitter Activity
LaGreca M., Hutchinson D., R. Skehan L.

A Clinically Feasible Dual-Task Assessment Using Tandem Gait For Concussion Evaluation
Hashida K., Shirahata K., Furutani T., Oshiro R., Tsuchida A., Tamura K.

Feasibility of At-Home Vibrotactile Data Collection in Children and Adolescents: Study of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Stokoe M., Bell T., Mauthner M., O'Brien H., Ip A., Tommerdahl M., Yeates K., Harris A.

The Filtration Efficiency of Single-Layer Textiles for Respiratory protection
Pourdeyhimi B., Schick S., Groten R.

Effects of an H2-infused, Nitric Oxide-Producing Functional Beverage on Exercise and Cognitive Performance
LeBaron T., W. Kharman J., McCullough M.